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Authored By DMV Defense Experts

Wm. Darryl Kidd, DMV Consultant and Advocate

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The latest addition to our DMV Defense team is Mr. Darryl Kidd. Darryl retired as a Senior Hearing Officer after a 25 year career with the California Department of Motor Vehicles. His career began at the field office level where he worked to evaluate and qualify applicants for the California Driver License. Darryl then transferred to the Division of Driver Safety where he was promoted to the position of Hearing Officer.

Over the next 21 years, Darryl presided over nearly 30,000 DMV hearings to evaluate the driving ability and competency of California Drivers. As a Hearing Officer, Darryl’s duty was to sit in judgment at a wide variety of administrative hearings. He was the “Trier of Fact” in hearings involving persons accused of DUI, negligent operation, fraud and fatality traffic collisions.


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