Lack of Clear Marijuana Consumption Measurement Method Could Make It Hard for State to Prove Driver Impairment
Being a defendant in a DUI case can make you feel like you’re in an unwinnable situation. Fortunately, that is not always true. Some DUI defendants do get caught driving impaired and eventually get convicted. Others get charged with DUI... Read More →
DMV Win at a Chemical Test Refusal Hearing at the San Bernardino DSO
Case History: California Drivers Advocates was retained to defend a client whose driver license was being suspended by the California Department of Motor Vehicles following an arrest for DUI in which he allegedly refused to submit to a Chemical Test. Under... Read More →
DMV Victory at a “Refusal” Hearing in San Bernardino
Case History: California Drivers Advocates was engaged to represent a client whose driver license was in jeopardy of suspended or revoked following a DUI arrest by a San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Deputy in the City of Rancho Cucamonga. Our 67... Read More →
DMV Victory at an APS Hearing in the San Jose Driver Safety Office
Case History: California Drivers Advocates was engaged to assist a client whose driver license was in jeopardy of being suspended following a DUI arrest in Santa Cruz County. The 48 year old client was stopped by a Santa Cruz Deputy... Read More →
The Use of Field Sobriety Tests at a DMV Administrative Per Se Hearing?
Whenever a driver is arrested for DUI in the State of California, they face two entirely separate battles. The accused driver must face criminal prosecution before the local Superior Court and they also must fight an administrative battle with the... Read More →
DUI/Sobriety Checkpoints
Are DUI/Sobriety Checkpoints Legal? Prior to 1990, DUI/Sobriety Checkpoints were mostly unheard of. Police agencies have been stopping and arresting drivers at “roadblocks” for years but establishing “checkpoints” that are specifically aimed at arresting drunk drivers is a relatively new... Read More →
Portable Evidential Breath Test (PEBT)
You Only Have 10 CALENDAR Days To Contact The DMV To Initiate Your Defense. Contact Our Team Immediately To Initiate Your Defense. Driving in the State of California is a “conditional privilege.” This means that properly licensed persons may operate... Read More →