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How California’s Proposed Senate Bill 460 Can Affect Your Auto Registration

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Without a doubt, nearly every Californian who is required to visit their local Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office will dread the idea, in large part, because of the exhausting wait times. For many DMV visitors, it is common to experience waiting times that exceed two-hours.  Amidst a wave of complaints for this and other issues, the State of California is making an effort to reform many of the systemic problems that plague the DMV. 

Proposed Solutions Offered By Senate Bill 460

In an effort to find a solution to the DMV’s excessive wait times, the California State Legislature introduced SB 460.  This legislation would allow drivers to register their vehicles every-other year. Current law dictates that drivers will generally have to register their vehicles on a yearly basis. The hope is that making the auto registration process a biennial effort will bring ease DMV waiting lines.

Potential Outcomes of Senate Bill 460

While the proposed bill was drafted to offer solutions for drivers across the state, it will likely create problems for some drivers. If the proposed bill 460 is approved, some Californians will eventually experience a hefty increase in their registration fees. Although fees are not set to increase, drivers will see their registration fee doubled, as the two-year registration will need to be paid in one single payment. At present, details of the proposed bill are not available.  For instance, it is unclear if drivers will have an option to choose between annual or biennial registration. It is also unclear how SB 460 would impact the selling and purchasing of vehicles by private owners.  Unquestionably, change is needed; but how it will affect California’s citizens remains to be seen.

It is worth mentioning that the State of California is not the only state that has implemented biennial-based auto registration renewals. According to data collected by the AAA Digest of Motors, states such as Alaska and New York already have two-year registration requirements in place. Unlike California, however, these state’s fees are set contingent on a flat rate or based on the vehicle’s weight. The State of California Department of Motor Vehicles currently calculates it’s auto registration fees based on the vehicle’s value.  A change which establishes a flat-rate or weight calculations could pose an unfair burden to driver’s who own vehicles of lesser value.

If you or someone you know is experiencing an issue with the Department of Motor Vehicles, consider seeking the aid of experts in the field. California Drivers Advocates, Inc is an experienced team of DMV Defense Advocates who work vigorously to defend your rights in DMV matters. With years of specialized experience and training, CDA’s experts work tirelessly to find solutions for drivers who are facing the withdrawal of their driving privilege.

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